Humor for Adults
Who Can Handle
Adult Humor

— by Len Kennedy, Esq.


Maturity versus Immaturity

Anyone who can’t handle adult language and adult humor is either a child or a coward.

 — Luke 19:27

When someone hears a dirty joke and says, “That’s immature,” that usually says more about the person who makes that statement than it does about the person or act they deem “immature.”  After all, people who can’t handle adult language and adult humor have no business calling themselves adults.

     A lot of cowards like to hide behind expressions like “That’s in bad taste.”  They like to see themselves as sophisticated when they’re really only spineless.  It’s not immature to use adult language — it’s immature to be offended by it.

     And some people even insist that sex jokes are somehow juvenile.  Oh yeah, sex is for children.

     And, of course, scatological humor isn’t deemed to be particularly sophisticated.  But aren’t the people who can’t handle jokes about our various bodily functions the real children here?

     What is it, anyway, about scatology that offends some people’s delicate sensibilities?  Does it remind them of the uncomfortable truth that we humans are obviously animals — since, among other things, we urinate and defecate and copulate to procreate . . . just like any other animal?  Does that offend their vanity?

     All too often, people who like to consider themselves “mature” have merely lost the sense of playfulness that makes life worth living.  They’ve forgotten that being childlike isn’t the same as being childish.

     A lot of people think they’re being mature when, in reality, they’re just being a bore.  “Uh oh, someone’s actually enjoying themselves — how immature!”

     All too many people think that if ignorance is bliss, then blissful people are ipso facto ignorant.  Logic, however, doesn’t work that way: Just because everyone who has AIDS is gay, that doesn’t mean all gay people have AIDS.  (@_@)

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Home | LenKen Photo Essay | Part I: Quips & Squibs | Part II: Intermezzo: Bad Poetry for Bad People | Part III: Weird Stories for Weird People | Addendum: The Slapdash Mishmash: A Legacy | Appendage: Short Essays on Long Topics | Preamble: A Brief History of Me | Preface: Freedom of Speech versus Freedom from Speech | Prelude: Maturity versus Immaturity | Prologue: Strength versus Weakness | Prolusion: The Period: Dickens Redux | Quips & Squibs | Universal Rules of Etiquette | A Writer and His Hookers | The Sadistic News Network | Books That Cause a Tingling Sensation in My Left Testicle | Alternative Uses for a Brick | A Calm and Rational Analyis of Winter | Odium | Drivel, Blather, Prattle, and Twaddle | Bad Pick-Up Lines | Bilge, Dreck, Tripe, and Schlock for Schlemiels, Schlimazels, Schmucks, and Schmegegges | Arizona | Chickens | If You Make a Girl Snicker, She May Let You Lick Her | A Lesbian’s Lament | THC | Ode to the Paperboy | Sesquipedalian Love Song | Interview with a Petulant Old Shrew | Interview with a Persnickety, Pugnacious Pedant | A Freak Like Me | I Have Weird Dreams | A Long, Hard Look at Gun Control | Readings in the Cassandra Times | The Infamous Stickflipper | Keeping a Kennedy Tradition Alive | The Stalker | Lucy in the Sky with Dysentery | Beyond God & Devil | Pile of Nothing | How to Quit Smoking and Die Anyway | Epilogue: Quirky Colloquy: A Play in One Act | An Introduction to the Slapdash Mishmash | Poppycock? | Der Klusturfuk der Katzenjammer | The Cowardice of One’s Convictions: Cognitive Dissonance Theory in a Nutshell | Controlling Your Emotions before They Control You: Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy in a Nutshell | Why We Should Be Dying to Live Rather than Living to Die | About the Author | Sign My Guestbook