Freedom of Speech
versus Freedom from Speech
What do we have in common with the rosebud, which trembles because a drop of dew lies on it?
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra,
“On Reading and Writing”
Everyone has the right to free speech, but no one has the right to not be offended.
Too many people have become too sensitive — too sissified . . . too pussified. Anyone should be free to believe and say whatever they want to believe and say (though not necessarily in every social context — at work, for example). But no one is free to go through life demanding that nobody else ever say or do anything that might offend them.
We adults shouldn’t have to censor and simplify our speech and writing just to pacify the weak and the stupid.
Many prissy prigs and prudes try to act as though they’re too refined to find scatalogical humor amusing — even though most of them are far too ignorant and uneducated to actually be sophisticated.
People like to make a virtue out of necessity. If something offends them, they’re unlikely to admit to themselves that they’re just too thin-skinned. They’re far more likely to assert that the offending party is morally inferior to them.
So it’s a win-win situation: Those of us who prefer bawdy humor will feel superior to those delicate little flowers who find it offensive, and those delicate little flowers who are easily offended will feel superior to those of us who prefer bawdy humor.
See? Now, everyone’s happy. What more could you possibly want? :P