Quips & Squibs
- Quips & SquibsMemes to live by.
- Universal Rules of EtiquetteAs we used to say back in seminary school: Religion is for idiots, but etiquette is for everyone.
- A Writer and His HookersWhere would a writer be without his hookers?
- The Sadistic News NetworkAnd you thought the writers of The Onion were meanies....
- Books That Cause a Tingling Sensation in My Left TesticleA buttload of books with weird, stupid, and ironic titles, some of which are mildly offensive.
- Alternative Uses for a BrickWhat would MacGyver do with a brick?
- A Calm and Rational Analyis of WinterI don’t particularly care for winter.
- OdiumAs Voltaire said in Candide: If this is the best of all possible worlds, what are the others like?
- Drivel, Blather, Prattle, and TwaddleI talk a lot.
- Bad Pick-Up LinesVery few of these pick-up lines will actually get you laid.
- Bilge, Dreck, Tripe, and Schlock for Schlemiels, Schlimazels,
Schmucks, and SchmegeggesI’ve done stuff.
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